
My pet dog got Kicked Out of class for Being a Jerk

M.A. Kropp is a writer for That Mutt. She is an animal lover and enjoys working with her pitull mix named Lambeau. Welcome her by leaving a comment.

We adopted our American pitbull mix puppy, Lambeau, in December 2013. He was eight weeks old. We enrolled him in a puppy class at our local pet dog training facility. He did fine, given that he was a puppy. He graduated and got his certificate.

We wanted to continue his training, so we enrolled him in the next level class.

It was a disaster!

He whined and barked and pulled on his leash the entire first class.

It was impossible to keep his attention on me for a lot more than a split second. All he wanted to do was play with the other dogs.

The final straw was when we started working on coming when called. I took him to the end of the training room where one of the instructors put him on a long line. I let him sniff the handful of treats I had, and then went to the other end of the room and called him. He started fine, flying toward me down the room.

And then about halfway down, one of the waiting dogs shifted on her blanket at the side.

Bam! Lambeau changed course and pounced on her.

I’m sure he thought she wanted to play. She was startled and nipped him on the lip. everyone converged on the two of them, I got his leash on him, and dragged him away, apologizing profusely to the owners of the poor pet dog he’d pounced on.

The lead trainer came over after making sure the other pet dog was fine and asked if he’d been hurt. He hadn’t. then she looked down at us, me with my arms around my whining, struggling puppy, and him only wanting to run back and play with the other dogs.

“You know, maybe you might think about a few private lessons with him for a bit. and come back to a class after.”

Which, of course, was her polite way of saying he was far too unruly for a class situation and he was too distracting for the other dogs and owners.

I was mortified. I nodded and we left. I was embarrassed and upset. What did all the other owners in that class think?

“What an dreadful dog! and that woman can’t manage him.”

And the trainers? I was sure they were all shaking their heads and thinking: “She shouldn’t have that dog. So irresponsible. If she can’t control him as a puppy, how is she going to do it when he’s grown? maybe she must get a Chihuahua or something.”

I knew we couldn’t go back to the class, but private training? Isn’t that for really bad dogs? The ones that are aggressive and dangerous? not for a cute, super-friendly pup like mine.

Still, something had to be done. I didn’t want to end up with an unruly pet dog that no one wanted to come near. So, I took a deep breath and arranged for a session of private lessons.

Vieš čo?

It was one of the best things I’ve made with Lambeau.

Our instructor was really nice, and she told us that some dogs just can’t be in a group situation ideal away. They need to be taught some self-control and how to focus better first.

We serviced basic exercises to get him to pay attention to me, leash control and ignoring distractions. Slowly, we started bringing him closer to the other classes and dogs in the main areas of the training building. He got better. Not perfect, but better.

I think I learned as much or a lot more than he did.

Učil som sa:

to pay better attention to him before he got too excited.
his activate distance – the amount of space to leave between him and another pet dog so that he can still focus on me.
better ways of distracting him and keeping him calmer.

He’s not perfect, but we were able to take that second level obedience course and get his graduation certificate.

I’m not a trainer. I’m just a pet dog owner who wants her pet dog to be well-behaved enough that people don’t mind him being around. just like a lot of other pet dog owners.

I’ve spoke to other owners who feel like I did – embarrassed and a little upset by their dog’s behavior, but still hesitant about private lessons that are typically considered the last resort for an nearly hopeless dog.

But in lots of cases, a few private sessions without the extra distraction of other dogs is exactly what is needed. I had to put aside my feelings and do what was best for my dog.

And whenever I hear someone say: “Your pet dog is so good!” I know it was a good decision.

Have you ever felt embarrassed or upset by your dog’s behavior?

Let us know in the comments!

This can be very valuable for others who are struggling with their dogs. It helps to hear from others.

M.A. Kropp is a writer for That Mutt. She is an animAl Lover a rád pracuje so svojou Pitull Mix s názvom Lambeau. Vitajte ju tým, že zanechám komentár.


Report on the Year’s Resolutions for My pet dog

This is my last post of 2017.

At the start of this year, I shared some of the goals I had for Baxter and myself, and I thought today was a good time to look back and see how we did.

How we did on our 2017 goals

1. Take a pet dog training class

We’ve recently been working on a few things with Baxter with our trainer. While we’re not in an official class, it’s been terrific to have that professional perspective.

Our trainer has lots of experience and she also brings a different point of view to Baxter’s behaviour. I’m ecstatic to share a lot more about what we’re learning in the new year.

2. better dental care

This one has continued to be hit and miss for us. We had success moving our brushings to morning rather than evening, but I confess I still don’t remember to do them every day.

One technique that helped was putting a daily checklist in my agenda. That way, every morning when I sat down to work, I had a tip that I was meant to brush his teeth.

Plus, the basic act of checking off each box gave me a sense of accomplishment.

See my post: how to make brushing your dog’s teeth a habit.

3. go back to basics

My goal in focusing on basic obedience was to be a lot more confident when off-leash hiking with Baxter.

I feel like we have come to an understanding when it pertains to hiking. He’s never going to be the pet dog that sticks ideal by me, and I know when I shouldn’t push his limits.

We spent some time over the last year on recall and some time leash dragging.

We’ve also hiked a lot more just the two of us, which I feel has really strengthened our bond and helped him tune in to me, rather than the rest of the pack.

Overall, 2017 has been a terrific year for Baxter and me.

We’ve spent a lot of time together (especially considering that I started working from home), and we’ve had a lot of new experiences.

2018 will bring a lot more new things, and I’m looking forward to continuing to work with him, have fun together and share it all with you.

Happy holidays to you and your canine companions. Bax and I will be back in the new year with a lot more adventures.


Did you have any goals with your pet dog this year?

Did you have any new experiences together? What was the most memorable part of the past year with your pet dog for you?

Julia Thomson is a blogger at Home on 129 Acres where she writes about her adventures of country living and diy renovating. She and her spouse live on a 129-acre farm in Ontario, Canada.

Súvisiace príspevky:

10 hurdles stopping you from training your dog

Training our 10-week-old puppy – our goals this week


Táto súťaž Mutt Calendar Contest

sa koná od 8. júla do 8. augusta.

Moje Mutt Ace a ja vytvárame kalendár Mutt 2014!

Aby sme zistili, ktoré Mutts použiť v našom kalendári Mutt v roku 2014, organizujeme súťaž. Chcete vidieť, ako sa váš mutt vystupuje v našom kalendári? Tu musíte urobiť:

1. Odošlite svoje fotografie Mutt cez Facebook tu. Nezabudnite si prečítať oficiálne politiky a oprávnenosť. Zatiaľ čo táto súťaž zameraná na mutty, puffreds Dogs sú vítaní.

2. Páči sa mi a zdieľajte svoje obľúbené fotografie Mutt.

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4. Mutts s väčšinou hlasov vyhrá miesto v našom kalendári Mutt v roku 2014. Výhercovia tiež dostanú päť bezplatných kalendárov.

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Ak chcete zadať súťaž a zobraziť oficiálne pravidlá, kliknite sem. Všetky fotografie nemusia byť chránené autorskými právami. Tí, ktorí vstupujú do súťaže, musia mať zákonné práva na predložené fotografie a môžu dať tomuto Muttovi oprávnenie na používanie fotografií.

Nemáte fotografiu na odoslanie?

Je to v poriadku, ak nemáte vlastné mutt. Stále môžete hlasovať o svojich obľúbených muttoch tu.

Predobjednávajte si teraz kalendár Mutt 2014

Budem tlačiť obmedzený počet kalendárov Mutt, takže si teraz nezabudnite predobjednať svoj kalendár. Objednávky budú dodávané 1. decembra 2013 alebo skôr.
Budem tlačiť obmedzený počet kalendárov Mutt za rok 2014, takže nezabudnite si kúpiť dnes! Kalendáre budú dodávané 1. decembra 2013 alebo skôr.


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The Time I Kicked a pet dog to save another pet dog

have you ever had to deal with an off-leash pet dog (or a pet dog on a Flexi leash) charging you? Čo si robil?

This week I shared a local letter to the editor about a pet dog on a Flexi leash attacking and biting a runner (thanks Mike, for the link). I am a pet dog lover, but I am also a runner and I said I would’ve kicked the pet dog had it attempted to bite me. While I love animals, I will defend myself, my family and my family pets as necessary, just as I would expect any individual else to do.

If I am attacked by a person, I am going to respond with self defense. no one would question this. Why would it be any different if the attacker is a dog?

This made me think of a time when I actually did kick a dog. in that case, it was to secure the pet dog I was walking.

Kicking a pet dog for self defense

While using force is unnecessary a lot of of the time, there are situations when it is the best – or maybe the only – option.

In this case, I was walking one of my client’s dogs, a 100-pound pet dog who is a model loose-leash walker unless another pet dog charges his face. He can become reactive if a pet dog charges him.

When I’m walking a pet dog through my pet dog walking business I treat that pet dog as though he is my own. It is my responsibility to keep him safe. As we were out on this particular walk, a toy breed was barking at us from its yard. It was tethered and showing extreme excitement and frustration as it lunged several times.

“My” pet dog and I calmly walked away, showing no reaction, which is normally the best response. My pet dog was showing superior obedience.

This tiny pet dog managed to pull its leash loose, and proceeded to charge my pet dog and I.

What to do when a pet dog charges you?

In these situations, it is crucial to remain calm but also to react quickly. My first priority is always to remain in control of the pet dog I am walking. In this case, my pet dog was perfect. I kept him at my side and he was responding well to the situation. I made a point to keep his leash loose but short, and he didn’t seem to feel threatened by this tiny dog.

I then turned to address the approaching dog, calling out “NO!” while pointing at it with direct eye contact and stepping towards it. This is often my first reaction when taking care of an off-leash charging dog. When I use the ideal energy, it typically stops the pet dog in its tracks for at least a second or two.

This is enough time to defuse the intensity of the situation and to allow myself and both dogs to “re-group.” I also step my body between the two dogs to break off any eye contact between them.

In this case, the pet dog did not stop, and it attempted to get at my dog’s face. Remember, my pet dog can be reactive and he is 100 pounds. I am certain he will attack another pet dog if pressed. So, I did what I thought was the best option for the situation. I kicked the small pet dog directly in the chest, once again yelling “No!”

This time the pet dog toppled backwards and then stood there, absolutely defused. It shook itself off, then turned and ran home.


I did not want to hurt this dog, and I didn’t. but a lot more importantly, I did not want my pet dog to attack or kill the dog. I was protecting both dogs, and myself. Although provoked, I didn’t want my pet dog to be faced with any type of hazardous pet dog labels for biting, injuring or killing another dog. I also did not want the other pet dog to get hurt.

The irresponsible pet dog owners are rare

Although off-leash dogs charge me fairly often, a lot of of the time they are friendly, just as the dogs I walk are normally friendly.

As usual, it is the responsibility of each pet dog owner to keep his or her own pet dog under control, whether the pet dog is on a leash or not. It is unfortunate we even have to have discussions about what seems like common sense. But, as with anything else, there is always a small group of people who make life tough for everyone else.

Have you ever been threatened by an off-leash dog?

For a lot more on this topic, see my posts:

What to do when an off-leash pet dog charges me?

What to do if your pet dog runs away

How to get your pet dog to behave off leash

How to get several dogs to calm down before as well as during a walk

If your canine goes totally nuts out of enjoyment before a walk, you’re not alone.

It’s a typical problem!

And what if you have two dogs? as well as they’re both excited, essentially getting each other much more as well as much more worked up?

Heck, what if you have 3 dogs?

By “excited” I imply the dogs may be racing in circles, jumping on you, whining, barking, howling, wrestling each other, grabbing leashes, nipping at you, wiggling as you try to put on their harnesses, wetting themselves or perhaps even humping each other out of excitement.


I believe this circumstance is hilarious as long as I’m not the one doing the walking! OK, it’s still quite funny if I’m doing the walking since I like dogs.

But certainly some people would like to break these practices since not only can it get truly old as well as frustrating, however it’s likewise harmful if the dogs are pulling as well as nipping. Plus, neighbors may not appreciate the barking, particularly if you’re in an house like I am.

How do I get my dogs to calm down before a walk?

I’m going to share a few of my suggestions as usual, however it would be best if you might evaluate in with your own ideas.

First I’ll summarize an email I got discussing a particular issue getting two dogs to calm down before as well as during a walk.

In this example, the dogs get out for walks every day, however when their owner starts to get prepared to take them out, the “mayhem” begins, as she explains it. ?

Some clips from her email:

It starts off with the dogs complying with me upstairs. They both stand outside my bedroom while I’m getting changed. when I emerge from my room, they both dart down the stairs as well as wait at the front door. then the fun part … the harnesses!! It takes me a great 2 to 3 mins to “saddle up” the two dogs. Both have harnesses as well as if it’s dark out I utilize LED collars which I likewise have to put on. This is typically when the whining as well as moaning begins. Phoebe fights me. Not since she doesn’t want the harness on however since she is as well excited to go outside. …

Once I have them all set up as well as prepared to go … the havoc truly kicks in then! Chip at this stage is typically ok. She may be thrilled however she doesn’t jump or bark. Phoebe at this stage won’t sit still. She’s barking (LOUDLY!), whining, moving as well as just being typically rather uncontrollable. …

If I am walking to my destination, it takes about 45 seconds to walk from my front door to the entrance of my housing estate. Phoebe is whining as well as barking as well as pulling etc the entire time. It’s only when we get into the walk that Phoebe will calm down – typically after 2 mins. 

She likewise explains exactly how the dogs both bark in the cars and truck if they understand they’re going to one of their typical “fun” destinations, as well as she is almost deafened by the whining as well as barking as well as howling.

My tips for getting dogs to calm down before a walk

Oh where to even begin?

Here are a few of my general tips for the person above however for anybody else in general, however I certainly do not have a easy solution.

1. If possible, work with the dogs individually.

Usually it’s one canine who is truly the problem, as well as she ends up getting the other/s riled up too. So whenever possible, I would state walk them individually, presuming the other canine does okay when left behind. put one canine in one more space or in a crate as well as work with the other. then switch.

Of course, I recognize in the genuine world this is not always possible, so do what you can.

2. begin with truly small goals.

The very first goal may be ridiculously fundamental as well as simple like getting them to sit as well as stay quietly for 2 seconds before you even pick up the leashes. That’s progress.

And if that’s as well hard, make it even easier. Like, get them to sit for a piece of hot canine while you stand next to the area where the leashes are kept. Chápeš čo myslím? If something is as well hard, you can always make it even easier. then go from there.

Some other little goals to work on ultimately would be to get them to:


sit quietly while you hold the leashes

sit quietly while you put on the leashes/collars/harnesses

sit quietly before you put your hand on the door/gate

sit quietly when your hand is on the door/gate

sit quietly before heading out the door


Basically if the dogs aren’t calm before heading out the door, they’re not going to be calm when they’re outside either.

3. Desensitize the dogs to choosing up the leash.

Besides reinforcing calm habits before your walks, you might likewise deseNSITIZIZUJTE PSY VÝBERUJÚCE SPOLOČNOSTI V LEASHIHE.

Za týmto účelom by ste si len náhodne vyzdvihli vodítky po celý deň v čase, keď sa nechcete vydať na prechádzku. Len by ste si vyzdvihli vodítky, držali by ste ich niekoľko sekúnd, zatiaľ čo úplne ignorovali psov a potom znova položili vodítky.

A niektorí psi môžu mať iné „spúšťače“ iné ako vodítky. Napríklad psy vo vyššie uvedenom e -mailovom príklade vyvolali ich majiteľ meniace oblečenie. Mohla by sa pokúsiť obliecť si „chôdze“ alebo „vychádzkové topánky“ náhodne po celý deň, zatiaľ čo psov úplne ignoruje.

Mám pocit, že by som mohol pokračovať aj s bitovými návrhmi ako:


Používajte mimoriadne cenené pochúťky (skutočné kuracie mäso, kúsky šunky atď.)

zastavenie a odmietnutie premiestnenia, ak sa psi zbláznia

Zhlboka sa nadýchnite, ako aj rozčúliť sa a

Používanie najlepšieho výcvikového goliera pre okolnosti (hrotové obojky? Gentle Lídri? Vyberiete)


Viem, že všetko tento hluk uľahčujem. Nie je to. Je to stresujúce a frustrujúce, ako aj my musíme vybrať, ako aj vybrať, ako aj to, čo môžeme.

A teraz chcem počuť vaše nápady!

Aké ďalšie koncepty máte ostatní?

Súvisiace príspevky:

Ako získať hyper psie na ochladenie

Mal by som inštruovať svoj psík na pätu?

Ako zabrániť plaču psiemu plaču kvôli pozornosti

Prihláste sa na e -mailový bulletin Mutt tu. E -mail získate dvakrát mesačne s tréningovými tipmi, príbehmi atď.


Denamarin: Podpora pečene pre domáce zvieratá

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Z jedného z najdôveryhodnejších obchodov s výživovým doplnkom na trhu je Denamarin vynikajúcimi mnohostrannými doplnkami, ktoré môžu významne zvýšiť funkciu pečene zvýšením hladín glutatiónu pečene. Primárnymi zložkami Duels presne rovnakého, ako aj silybínu (aktívna zložka bodliaka mlieka) sú silné antioxidanty, ktoré chránia pečeňové bunky a môžu dokonca podporovať regeneráciu pečeňových buniek u psov s aktívnym ochorením pečene.

Produkt tiež môže pomôcť s trávením, ako aj s absorpciou živín z diétneho plánu. Pri tomto produkte, ako aj na pozitívnej strane, nie sú žiadne nepriaznivé vedľajšie vplyvy, ako aj na pozitívnej strane, pri užívaní tohto produktu sa zvyčajne stali aktívnejšie aj živé, ako sa zvyšuje funkcia pečene.

Určite je bez rizika bez rizika využívať dlhodobé a dokonca aj ako preventívne u tých domácich miláčikov, ktorí užívajú lieky, ktoré môžu byť toxické pre pečeň, ako je napríklad nesteroidné protizápalové lieky, ako sú rimadyl, Deramaxx, predvox alebo metacam. Jediné obavy klienta, ktoré som videl s týmto produktom, sa točia okolo nákladov. Avšak od kombinácie nádherných synergických komponentov podporujúcich pečeň v tomto produkte to určite v mojom pohľade, ako aj skúsenostiach, určite stojí za to.