Buggsly Black Label Pet Dog Jackets

Pet Dog Coat Company hľadá podporovateľov Kickstarter

Poznámka: Toto je sponzorovaný príspevok.

AKTUALIZÁCIA: Buggsly splnil svoj cieľ Kickstarter.

Nakoniec, kabát pre domáceho maznáčika, môj laboratórny mix ocenia!

Môj domáci psík eso ochladí v „zime“. Dokonca aj v San Diegu. Áno, je to trochu smažené.

Snažil som sa nájsť ľahký kabát pre eso, pretože sa cíti obmedzený v veste, ktorú som ho dostal pred rokmi. Vlastne uteká odo mňa, keď dostanem tú vestu!

Môj manžel a ja plánujeme kempingový výlet v apríli s naším psom a bunda od Buggsly je presne to, čo Ace potrebuje – bunda pre psov, ktorá je funkčná a pohodlná.

Buggsly Black Label je línia psích psích bund vyrobených s dôrazom na bezpečnosť, funkčnosť, pohodlie a starostlivosť o životné prostredie podľa svojej stránky Kickstarter. Spoločnosť má sídlo z kanadského Vancouveru a hľadá 12 500 dolárov za výrobné náklady.

Viac informácií o Buggsly Black Label Pet Dog Jackets:

Buggsly Black Label založil Michael Flint a Cassidy Morgan potom, čo nemohli nájsť bundu pre psov pre domácich miláčikov, ktorá sa venovala potrebám ich domáceho psa Buggsly (on je model, ktorý modeluje bundy).

Boli tam nejaké kabáty pre psov, ktoré boli vodotesné, ale tie vyzerali ako Baggy Ponchos, Flint a Morgan povedali na svojej stránke Kickstarter. Iní boli ťažkopádne a ťažké, takže Buggsly nedokázal hrať prirodzene v parku Pet Dog Park.

“Buggsly je veľmi aktívny pes,” povedal Morgan. “Najlepšie na tejto bunde je, aký je neobmedzený, keď ju nosí.”

Morgan povedal, že bunda je neuveriteľne ľahká a veľmi priedušná, čo pomáha udržiavať reguláciu tela jeho psa.

“Chceli sme vytvoriť bundu, ktorá bola„ aerodynamická “, a dosiahli sme to,” uviedol.

Bundy sa dodávajú v šiestich farbách uvedených vyššie. Moje najobľúbenejšie je modrá. Podľa stránky Kickstarter je maloobchodná hodnota 89 dolárov CAD pre čiernu a 99 dolárov pre farby.

Podľa Buggsly Black Label sú bundy:

1. Vodotesné, veterné a priedušné.

2. Vyrobené z reflexných akcentov, ktoré umožňujú vysokú viditeľnosť vo všetkých podmienkach osvetlenia.

3. Elegantné a zefektívnené s minimalistickým dizajnom. Nebude to vyzerať, že váš domáci pes má na sebe „mys“!

4. Ekologické. vyrobené z recyklovaných materiálov.

5. K dispozícii pre psov všetkých veľkostí.

Buggsly Black Label na Kickstarter

Buggsly is seeking $12,500 through Kickstarter to fund its minimum production amount of 500 jackets at a Vancouver factory. view its official Kickstarter video below or click here.

It has through March 25 to reach its goal or the project will not be funded. That’s how Kickstarter works – it’s all or nothing.

Anyone who backs the project will receive a gift of some kind. For example, any individual who gives $75 CAD or a lot more will receive a Buggsly jacket in black (15% off retail value).

“Please take the time to share our project with your family, pals and social media channels,” the founders said on their Kickstarter page.

“We know that we have an extraordinary product and are very ecstatic to help you and your four-legged companion ‘Put Your best Paw Forward.’”

Let’s spread the word and help Buggsly reach its goal!

What do you look for in a pet dog jacket?

*All photos and videos in the post are from Buggsly Black Label.

Liquid glucosamine to help a dog’s joints – Rejenease review & giveaway

‘Mixes easily with food; even picky eaters love it!’

Note: I’ve partnered with Rejenease to bring you this post.

My 8-year-old lab mix Ace got to try a liquid glucosamine supplement called Rejenease.

As you may remember, my canine has had some joint issues over the last several months, so I was eager to give him a product that might help.

And did it help?

The short answer is yes!

My canine has shown some improvement after taking Rejenease. He seems to be doing better on stairs and recovering faster after his adventures at the canine beach. It’s not a dramatic change, but a small improvement.

In purchase to understand how the product has helped Ace, I’ll briefly let you know how he was before taking Rejenease.

My dog’s joint issues before starting Rejenease

Ace’s vet thinks my canine has tendinitis in the best shoulder, which causes him to limp at times. His knees can also get stiff, which I suspect is arthritis.

My canine is one of those Labs who goes completely bonkers over a tennis ball.

I believe his joint issues are due to the hard starting and stopping motions he’s done over the years while playing fetch. other elements include natural aging and genetics.

Prior to starting the glucosamine Rejenease, here’s what I was doing to help Ace:

Restricted activity, but still making sure to opt for daily walks (20 mins or so)

A daily fish oil supplement

Anti-inflammatory/pain medication (Vetprofen)

After about four months of the above plan, I was noticing an improvement in Ace’s take on and began decreasing his pain medication.

This is when I started him on Rejenease, so it’s essential to note he was already showing some improvement.

My dog’s improvements after taking Rejenease

Ace has been taking Rejenease for about a month. I discovered the most dramatic improvement in the first week, and I haven’t discovered any additional changes since. His knees are noticeably less stiff, and while his take on still gets really sore at times, it is also improving.

I have taken him off the pain medication.

Here’s what I’ve noticed, and these are all subtle changes:

Ace’s knees are  less stiff after short trips to the canine beach or playing with canine friends.

He recovers faster from these adventures.

He has an simpler time going up and down stairs.

He can now walk up to 2 miles (vs. 1 mile a few months ago).

Over the weekend, I took Ace to the canine beach and let him run around chasing a ball for longer than I ought to have. Thankfully, he recovered just fine.

This doesn’t imply I can let him run around like a maniac every weekend. I still need to limit his activity, but Rejenease has been a element in helping my dog remain active. because of this, I plan to continue giving him the supplement.

[quote_center]”Rejenease has been a element in helping my dog remain active.”[/quote_center]

More about Rejenease:

1. Comes with a 100% risk-free guarantee.

2. Contains 1600 mg glucosamine & 1200 mg chondroitin per ounce.

3. Made in USA with human-grade ingredients.

4. Made without corn, soy derivatives, sugar, salt, gluten or wheat.

Steven Hourston said he chose to develop Rejenease because it can transform the quality of a dog’s life.

“Because we love our dogs so much, it brings relief and happiness to owners too,” he said. “I feel good that my supplement can make such a difference.”

Giveaway + ordering information & discount coupon code

The company is giving away a bottle of Rejenease to three lucky readers of That Mutt. The company would like to ask each winner to write an truthful Amazon review.

For a chance to win:

Leave a comment on this post that indicates your canine wants in on the drawing (here’s a link if you’re reading this by email or elsewhere). three winners will be chosen at random on Dec. 23. should have a U.S. mailing address to win.

For those of you who have already had a chance to try Rejenease, please let me know how it’s going in the comments!

Ordering info and discount coupon code

If you would like to purchase a bottle of Rejenease, it’s currently available on Amazon for $39.95. You can also use discount coupon code THATMUTT to save 25%.

Would your canine like to try Rejenease? daj mi vedieť!

*This post includes affiliate links.

Víťazi súťaže Mutt Calendar Contest

Mutt Calendar Víťazi!

Dodržiavanie je 12 víťazných obrázkov z tejto súťaže Mutt’s Calendar. Všimol som si mená psov, ako aj potenciálne zmesi plemena vedľa svojich fotografií, nezabudnite však, že mnohí majitelia nechápu skutočné plemená svojich psov. Rovnako ako mnohí z nás, aj oni musia uhádnuť.

Rovnako som si všimol prvé dva bežecké podniky. Ak budem vyžadovať ďalší obrázok alebo náhradnú fotografiu, vyberú sa bežecké fondy, ako aj oznámený program.

Ďakujem všetkým, ktorí sa vošli a hlasovali v súťaži. Každý z 12 víťazov dostane päť úplne bezplatných kalendárov, ktoré budú dodávané 1. decembra 2013 alebo skôr. Informácie o objednávaní tu.

Tu sú naši víťazi!

Všimol som si potenciálny mesiac vedľa každého psa, ale to však nie je konečné.

Január – Pierson Aussie/Border Collie Mix

Február – Tennessee Mutt (nejaké odhady?)

Marec – Fie Vynikajúci mix Pyrenees/Anatolian Shepherd

Apríl – Penelope The Pitbull/Lab Mix

Máj – Ruby The Pitbull Mix

Jún – Ella The Boxer/Pitbull/Ridgeback/Lab Mix

Júl – Oscar The Pitbull/Lab Mix

August – Noste mix potkanov Terrier

September – Ace Lab Mix

Október – Linus The Sheltie Mix

November – Mix Petey The Beagle/Collie/Corgi

December – Maverick The Lab/ukazovateľ mix

A bežec UPS!

Brick The Boxer Mix



Brachycefalický syndróm u Pets

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Brachycefalický syndróm je komplex rôznych abnormalít dýchacích ciest, ktoré sú bežné v určitých plemenách, vrátane buldogov, bostonských teriérov, mopslín a Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Tento syndróm doslova znamená „krátky nosený a krátky papuľa“, ktorý sa bežne vyskytuje u týchto plemien.

V mnohých prípadoch sú poddimenzované alebo sploštené krky a dýchacie pasáže. Prebytočné mäkké tkanivá hlavy zvyšujú odpor voči prietoku vzduchu cez horné dýchacie cesty, nosné dierky, dutiny, hltanu a hrtan. Dve z najbežnejších lekárskych chorôb sú predĺžené mäkké paláty a stenotické alebo zúžené nares. Z dôvodu týchto jedinečných anatomických abnormalít patrí symptómy hlučné dýchanie, šnupavé, odfrknutie, nadmerné chrápanie, roubík a rechovanie. V závažných prípadoch je možné vidieť namáhavé a neustále otvorené dýchanie úst.

Lekárske príznaky tiež často sprevádzajú aj tepelnú a netoleranciu. Liečba zahŕňa vyhýbanie sa prehriatiu a nadmerné vzrušenie a cvičenie. V letných mesiacoch je obzvlášť dôležité udržiavať postihnutých domácich miláčikov v čo najväčšom prostredí. V závažných prípadoch je potrebný chirurgický zákrok, keď abnormality chronicky narúšajú dýchanie. V týchto prípadoch sa odporúča konzultácia s chirurgom certifikovaným správnym radom.

Will Your pet dog Climb On A Picnic Table?

[frame src=”http://www.thatmutt.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Will-your-dog-climb-on-a-picnic-table-e1460418827853.jpg” target=”_self” width=”620″ height=”336″ alt=”Will your pet dog climb a picnic table?” align=”center” prettyphoto=”false”]
Note: Julia Thomson is a contributor to That Mutt. She maintains the blog house on 129 Acres. checked out her past articles for That Mutt here.

Will your pet dog climb on a picnic table?

For those of you who have responded to neither indeed nor no, as well as instead are stating why, hear me out.

The exercise of climbing over a picnic table is great for your pet dog for three reasons:

1. It develops your dog’s confidence in himself.

Your pet dog learns to judge the distance between the bench as well as the ground. He learns exactly how to shift his weight as well as where to location his feet.

If you enjoy a puppy do this exercise, you may see her stagger a couple of times as she figures out exactly how to make her legs take her where you want her to go. when she sorts it out, the result will be a pet dog who is a lot more able to handle obstacles, whether it’s climbing into a vehicle or over a tree.

2. It stimulates your dog’s mind.

We’ve all heard about exactly how tiring a routine walk can be. Climbing over a picnic table is absolutely a variation in your routine routine. Je to zábava. Je to zaujímavé. If your pet dog hasn’t done it before, it may be a bit challenging. It gets him believing about what you’re asking him to do as well as the very best method to do it.

3. It develops your dog’s obedience as well as depend on in you.

The very first few times you do this exercise, you must do it with your dog. Hold the leash firmly as well as lead him up onto the bench as well as then up onto the table as well as then down the other side. A bit bit of tension on the leash provides your pet dog a sense of security. You’re providing him remove direction about what you want him to do, as well as you’re not going to let him fall.

Be prepared to support him if he misplaces a foot or gets as well close to the edge. Soon, he’ll discover that you won’t ask him to do anything that puts him in danger.

Climbing over a picnic table may seem like a basic exercise. however it truly does develop the bond between you as well as your dog.

Baxter as well as I practiced this great deals with our training classes, however the very first time I asked him to climb over a picnic table when he was off leash, I wasn’t sure that he would do it.

[quote_center]The view—and the sniffs—are much better up there![/quote_center]

I patted the bench as well as said, “Up-up.” He didn’t hesitate for a second. He hopped onto the bench, hopped up onto the table as well as went into a best sit. now he doesn’t hesitate to go “up-up” anytime he gets the chance.

The view—and the sniffs—are much better up there!

What are some challenges your pet dog likes to climb?

Post a photo of your pet dog climbing “obstacles” on that Mutt’s Facebook page here.

Past articles from Julia:

Off-leash hiking with your dog

How to train your pet dog to be off leash

Blog pre psov – Moje dve pitties

Dnes chcem len zdieľať jeden z mojich preferovaných psích blogov, moje dva pitties.

Blog je o Kaya, ako aj o Normanovi – dve zachránené mixy jamy – spolu so svojou mačičkou dobrou priateľkou Ginou a rôznymi psmi kamarátmi.

Ich majiteľka Rachel ich vždy berie na všetky typy zábavných túr mimo vodítka v Kalifornii. Pri pohľade na ich fotografie je také relaxačné.

Rachel napísala skutočne vynikajúci obsah. Niektoré z jej najlepších správ sú o:

nebezpečenstvo psieho psieho, ktorý sa chytí na jednom obojku psa

Ako Rachelova matka reagovala na jej prijatie „pitbull“

Výsledky Kaya, ako aj Norman sa dostali na svoje testy DNA so zmiešaným plemenom

mačiatko, ako aj dvaja psi, ktorí sa pritúlia

Nevyžaduje sa mi presne povedať, aké krásne sú tieto obrázky z „dvoch pitties“. Zastavte sa a poskytnite kaya, ako aj Normana výkriku!

Aww, v láskyplnej pamäti veľkého psa Pet Dog

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Veril som, že tento obrázok bol taký sladký. Prajem vám skvelý deň, rovnako ako nepamätajte si chvíľku hrať!


Petnostics – If you might inspect your pet’s health and wellness at home, would you?

Urinalysis cup & free app detects pet health and wellness issues

Note: This is a sponsored post.

Petnostics is an economical product that enables dog as well as feline owners to screen their pets’ health and wellness at house between vet visits.

Je to ľahké. You just gather a urine sample utilizing the $10 Petnostics urinalysis cup, screw the lid on as well as scan it utilizing the free Petnostics app on your iphone (also coming soon for Android users!).

It’s a method to potentially save your pet’s life by catching a illness or problem early on, even before symptoms appear, according to Petnostics.com.

My dog as well as two cats are seniors, so I was particularly thinking about the chance to try the product with them. I received a free sample for every pet. I tested my dog Ace as well as my feline Beamer. Both came back as “healthy.”

You may believe it’s difficult to gather urine from a cat, however I just utilized a spoon for Beamer, as suggested here. He could’ve cared less. My second cat, Scout, is one more story (you’re doing what keeping that spoon?!) so I haven’t tested him yet. The company recommends hydrophobic litter, which is designed to keep the urine above the litter so you can gather it easily.

More about the Petnostics app

Petnostics is the very first product released from Scanostics, which was established in 2013 by Stephen Chen.

According to Chen, the company will determine if your dog or feline potentially has any type of number of typical ailments or illness such as:



a kidney stone

a urinary tract infection

He stated Petnostics is meant to be utilized as a supplement to routine vet sees so any type of possible problems can be detected earlier as well as therefore treated at an earlier stage.

“Catching as well as treating an problem earlier on not only leads to much better health and wellness outcomes, however it’s likewise cheaper in terms of veterinary costs,” he said.

Since the Petnostics urinalysis cup is just $10, I like the concept of inspecting my pets every six months or so. perhaps Petnostics might even offer some kind of membership program where the test immediately shows up in the mail regularly. According to its web site, it suggests pet owners inspect their pets monthly.

How Petnostics works

The patented, urine-collection cup has colorimetric chemical strips on the lid that modification colors when used, according to Petnostics.com. when a sample is collected (wear the glove!), you screw the lid on, flip over the cup as well as then return it to upright position. when you introduce the app, it asks you to wait 60 seconds, as well as then scan.

I tried the app on both the iPad as well as iPhone, as well as it worked so much much better on the iPhone. I couldn’t get it to scan properly on the iPad since my hands were as well shaky.

What does the app check?

The Petnostics app checks the complying with parameters, according to Chen:

leukocytes, nitrite, urobilinogen, protein, pH, blood, specific gravity, ketone, bilirubin and glucose.

From those parameters, Petnostics can determine if a pet potentially has specific illness or ailments, he said. results are shown instantly.

“Petnostics is a proactive method to method preventative healthcare with your pets by determining possible problems earlier on,” Chen said.

Some of the benefits to Petnostics:

1. It will motivate some pet owners to take pets to the vet more often.

2. It can determine early warning indications of prospective illness as well as save you money overall.

3. It’s less costly than a urinalysis at the vet (this will expense you a minimum of $50, particularly when you factor in the examination fee, etc.)

4. less stress for the pet.

How you can win a free Petnostics cup to test your pet’s health

*The winners have been notified.

We’re giving away a free urinalysis cup to two readers of ThatMutt.com.

There are two chances to win:

Opportunity #1: Leave a comment on this publish stating why you’d like to try the product for your dog or cat. I’ll select one champion at random on Friday. *Congrats, Rebekah!

Opportunity #2: All newsletter subscribers will have a separate chance to win. You can sign up for my regular newsletter below by entering your email address. *Congrats to Kristi as well as Luca!

What do you believe about the Petnostics app? Is this something you would utilize for your pets?


Pohľad veterinárneho lekára na generické lieky na domáce zvieratá

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Vďaka rozširujúcemu sa svetu drahých drog a farmaceutík v ľudskej aj veterinárnej medicíne je to vždy vítaná úľava, keď patent vypršal, pretože vychádzajú lacnejšie, ale chemicky identické generické lieky. V ľudskom lekárstve sa normy na výrobu generického lieku rovnajú štandardom značky mena, a preto je pri vyplňovaní predpisov generický liek zvyčajne vyplnený, ak je k dispozícii.
Zatiaľ čo vo veterinárnej medicíne nemusia byť normy rovnaké, zistil som, že mnoho generických liekov dostupných vo veterinárnej medicíne vykonáva rovnako ako aj značky. Napríklad som zistil, že Iverhart sa rovná srdcu v spoľahlivosti a výkone pri prevencii srdcových červov. Karprofén je ďalším príkladom nesteroidného anti zápalového lieku, ktorý podľa mojej skúsenosti tiež funguje rovnako ako úľavu od bolesti ako jeho predchodca značky Rimadyl. Existuje mnoho ďalších príkladov generických liekov vykonávajúcich rovnako ako drogy značky vo veterinárnej medicíne. Takže, ak sú k dispozícii, dôrazne odporúčam ich použitie ako oveľa ekonomickejšiu alternatívu.

Potrebujete pomoc s nájdením generického pre lieky vášho domáceho maznáčika? Pozrite si nasledujúci zoznam generických liekov na domáce zvieratá a alternatív priamych pre rozpočet.

Ace a Beamer

títo dvaja v poslednej dobe zdieľali postele, ako takmer stále. Toto je prvá zimná doba, ktorú urobili za 9 rokov.

Mohol by som písať o tom, aké je to sladké a ako sú priatelia.

Pravda je, že Ace často vydáva zúrivé zavrčanie, keď sa blíži Beamer.

Niekedy Beamer fackuje eso ideálny na nos, pozerá ho do očí a vezme posteľ.

Niekedy sa Ace pohybuje preč. Často drží svoje vlastné. Často kňučí a snaží sa ma, aby som sa mačka vyhodila z cesty.

A často sa prijímajú navzájom a pritúlia sa blízko. Alebo Ace predstiera, že si nevšimne Beamer.

Alebo sú len chladné a staré, a to je dohoda, na ktorú prišli po 9 rokoch.

Snažím sa nezapojiť. Máme tri postele pre domáce zvieratá a obaja chcú toto.

Môžu to vyriešiť.

Majú sa vaše rodinné domáce zvieratá spolu?

Súvisiace príspevky:

Psy a mačky sa mazlí – psy vyzerajú trochu znepokojené

Psy a mačky sa mazlí (10 fotografií)

Psy a mačky sa mazlí (10 ďalších fotografií!)

Prihláste sa a získajte nápady na školenie a oveľa viac v mojom týždennom bulletine: