Will Your pet dog Climb On A Picnic Table?

[frame src=”http://www.thatmutt.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Will-your-dog-climb-on-a-picnic-table-e1460418827853.jpg” target=”_self” width=”620″ height=”336″ alt=”Will your pet dog climb a picnic table?” align=”center” prettyphoto=”false”]
Note: Julia Thomson is a contributor to That Mutt. She maintains the blog house on 129 Acres. checked out her past articles for That Mutt here.

Will your pet dog climb on a picnic table?

For those of you who have responded to neither indeed nor no, as well as instead are stating why, hear me out.

The exercise of climbing over a picnic table is great for your pet dog for three reasons:

1. It develops your dog’s confidence in himself.

Your pet dog learns to judge the distance between the bench as well as the ground. He learns exactly how to shift his weight as well as where to location his feet.

If you enjoy a puppy do this exercise, you may see her stagger a couple of times as she figures out exactly how to make her legs take her where you want her to go. when she sorts it out, the result will be a pet dog who is a lot more able to handle obstacles, whether it’s climbing into a vehicle or over a tree.

2. It stimulates your dog’s mind.

We’ve all heard about exactly how tiring a routine walk can be. Climbing over a picnic table is absolutely a variation in your routine routine. Je to zábava. Je to zaujímavé. If your pet dog hasn’t done it before, it may be a bit challenging. It gets him believing about what you’re asking him to do as well as the very best method to do it.

3. It develops your dog’s obedience as well as depend on in you.

The very first few times you do this exercise, you must do it with your dog. Hold the leash firmly as well as lead him up onto the bench as well as then up onto the table as well as then down the other side. A bit bit of tension on the leash provides your pet dog a sense of security. You’re providing him remove direction about what you want him to do, as well as you’re not going to let him fall.

Be prepared to support him if he misplaces a foot or gets as well close to the edge. Soon, he’ll discover that you won’t ask him to do anything that puts him in danger.

Climbing over a picnic table may seem like a basic exercise. however it truly does develop the bond between you as well as your dog.

Baxter as well as I practiced this great deals with our training classes, however the very first time I asked him to climb over a picnic table when he was off leash, I wasn’t sure that he would do it.

[quote_center]The view—and the sniffs—are much better up there![/quote_center]

I patted the bench as well as said, “Up-up.” He didn’t hesitate for a second. He hopped onto the bench, hopped up onto the table as well as went into a best sit. now he doesn’t hesitate to go “up-up” anytime he gets the chance.

The view—and the sniffs—are much better up there!

What are some challenges your pet dog likes to climb?

Post a photo of your pet dog climbing “obstacles” on that Mutt’s Facebook page here.

Past articles from Julia:

Off-leash hiking with your dog

How to train your pet dog to be off leash

Blog pre psov – Moje dve pitties

Dnes chcem len zdieľať jeden z mojich preferovaných psích blogov, moje dva pitties.

Blog je o Kaya, ako aj o Normanovi – dve zachránené mixy jamy – spolu so svojou mačičkou dobrou priateľkou Ginou a rôznymi psmi kamarátmi.

Ich majiteľka Rachel ich vždy berie na všetky typy zábavných túr mimo vodítka v Kalifornii. Pri pohľade na ich fotografie je také relaxačné.

Rachel napísala skutočne vynikajúci obsah. Niektoré z jej najlepších správ sú o:

nebezpečenstvo psieho psieho, ktorý sa chytí na jednom obojku psa

Ako Rachelova matka reagovala na jej prijatie „pitbull“

Výsledky Kaya, ako aj Norman sa dostali na svoje testy DNA so zmiešaným plemenom

mačiatko, ako aj dvaja psi, ktorí sa pritúlia

Nevyžaduje sa mi presne povedať, aké krásne sú tieto obrázky z „dvoch pitties“. Zastavte sa a poskytnite kaya, ako aj Normana výkriku!

Aww, v láskyplnej pamäti veľkého psa Pet Dog

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Veril som, že tento obrázok bol taký sladký. Prajem vám skvelý deň, rovnako ako nepamätajte si chvíľku hrať!


Petnostics – If you might inspect your pet’s health and wellness at home, would you?

Urinalysis cup & free app detects pet health and wellness issues

Note: This is a sponsored post.

Petnostics is an economical product that enables dog as well as feline owners to screen their pets’ health and wellness at house between vet visits.

Je to ľahké. You just gather a urine sample utilizing the $10 Petnostics urinalysis cup, screw the lid on as well as scan it utilizing the free Petnostics app on your iphone (also coming soon for Android users!).

It’s a method to potentially save your pet’s life by catching a illness or problem early on, even before symptoms appear, according to Petnostics.com.

My dog as well as two cats are seniors, so I was particularly thinking about the chance to try the product with them. I received a free sample for every pet. I tested my dog Ace as well as my feline Beamer. Both came back as “healthy.”

You may believe it’s difficult to gather urine from a cat, however I just utilized a spoon for Beamer, as suggested here. He could’ve cared less. My second cat, Scout, is one more story (you’re doing what keeping that spoon?!) so I haven’t tested him yet. The company recommends hydrophobic litter, which is designed to keep the urine above the litter so you can gather it easily.

More about the Petnostics app

Petnostics is the very first product released from Scanostics, which was established in 2013 by Stephen Chen.

According to Chen, the company will determine if your dog or feline potentially has any type of number of typical ailments or illness such as:



a kidney stone

a urinary tract infection

He stated Petnostics is meant to be utilized as a supplement to routine vet sees so any type of possible problems can be detected earlier as well as therefore treated at an earlier stage.

“Catching as well as treating an problem earlier on not only leads to much better health and wellness outcomes, however it’s likewise cheaper in terms of veterinary costs,” he said.

Since the Petnostics urinalysis cup is just $10, I like the concept of inspecting my pets every six months or so. perhaps Petnostics might even offer some kind of membership program where the test immediately shows up in the mail regularly. According to its web site, it suggests pet owners inspect their pets monthly.

How Petnostics works

The patented, urine-collection cup has colorimetric chemical strips on the lid that modification colors when used, according to Petnostics.com. when a sample is collected (wear the glove!), you screw the lid on, flip over the cup as well as then return it to upright position. when you introduce the app, it asks you to wait 60 seconds, as well as then scan.

I tried the app on both the iPad as well as iPhone, as well as it worked so much much better on the iPhone. I couldn’t get it to scan properly on the iPad since my hands were as well shaky.

What does the app check?

The Petnostics app checks the complying with parameters, according to Chen:

leukocytes, nitrite, urobilinogen, protein, pH, blood, specific gravity, ketone, bilirubin and glucose.

From those parameters, Petnostics can determine if a pet potentially has specific illness or ailments, he said. results are shown instantly.

“Petnostics is a proactive method to method preventative healthcare with your pets by determining possible problems earlier on,” Chen said.

Some of the benefits to Petnostics:

1. It will motivate some pet owners to take pets to the vet more often.

2. It can determine early warning indications of prospective illness as well as save you money overall.

3. It’s less costly than a urinalysis at the vet (this will expense you a minimum of $50, particularly when you factor in the examination fee, etc.)

4. less stress for the pet.

How you can win a free Petnostics cup to test your pet’s health

*The winners have been notified.

We’re giving away a free urinalysis cup to two readers of ThatMutt.com.

There are two chances to win:

Opportunity #1: Leave a comment on this publish stating why you’d like to try the product for your dog or cat. I’ll select one champion at random on Friday. *Congrats, Rebekah!

Opportunity #2: All newsletter subscribers will have a separate chance to win. You can sign up for my regular newsletter below by entering your email address. *Congrats to Kristi as well as Luca!

What do you believe about the Petnostics app? Is this something you would utilize for your pets?


Pohľad veterinárneho lekára na generické lieky na domáce zvieratá

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Vďaka rozširujúcemu sa svetu drahých drog a farmaceutík v ľudskej aj veterinárnej medicíne je to vždy vítaná úľava, keď patent vypršal, pretože vychádzajú lacnejšie, ale chemicky identické generické lieky. V ľudskom lekárstve sa normy na výrobu generického lieku rovnajú štandardom značky mena, a preto je pri vyplňovaní predpisov generický liek zvyčajne vyplnený, ak je k dispozícii.
Zatiaľ čo vo veterinárnej medicíne nemusia byť normy rovnaké, zistil som, že mnoho generických liekov dostupných vo veterinárnej medicíne vykonáva rovnako ako aj značky. Napríklad som zistil, že Iverhart sa rovná srdcu v spoľahlivosti a výkone pri prevencii srdcových červov. Karprofén je ďalším príkladom nesteroidného anti zápalového lieku, ktorý podľa mojej skúsenosti tiež funguje rovnako ako úľavu od bolesti ako jeho predchodca značky Rimadyl. Existuje mnoho ďalších príkladov generických liekov vykonávajúcich rovnako ako drogy značky vo veterinárnej medicíne. Takže, ak sú k dispozícii, dôrazne odporúčam ich použitie ako oveľa ekonomickejšiu alternatívu.

Potrebujete pomoc s nájdením generického pre lieky vášho domáceho maznáčika? Pozrite si nasledujúci zoznam generických liekov na domáce zvieratá a alternatív priamych pre rozpočet.

Ace a Beamer

títo dvaja v poslednej dobe zdieľali postele, ako takmer stále. Toto je prvá zimná doba, ktorú urobili za 9 rokov.

Mohol by som písať o tom, aké je to sladké a ako sú priatelia.

Pravda je, že Ace často vydáva zúrivé zavrčanie, keď sa blíži Beamer.

Niekedy Beamer fackuje eso ideálny na nos, pozerá ho do očí a vezme posteľ.

Niekedy sa Ace pohybuje preč. Často drží svoje vlastné. Často kňučí a snaží sa ma, aby som sa mačka vyhodila z cesty.

A často sa prijímajú navzájom a pritúlia sa blízko. Alebo Ace predstiera, že si nevšimne Beamer.

Alebo sú len chladné a staré, a to je dohoda, na ktorú prišli po 9 rokoch.

Snažím sa nezapojiť. Máme tri postele pre domáce zvieratá a obaja chcú toto.

Môžu to vyriešiť.

Majú sa vaše rodinné domáce zvieratá spolu?

Súvisiace príspevky:

Psy a mačky sa mazlí – psy vyzerajú trochu znepokojené

Psy a mačky sa mazlí (10 fotografií)

Psy a mačky sa mazlí (10 ďalších fotografií!)

Prihláste sa a získajte nápady na školenie a oveľa viac v mojom týždennom bulletine:


Tipy na udržanie úžasného koňa v horúcich letných mesiacoch

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Would You break A automobile window to save A Dog?

I know the answer to this question is yes for most of us.

If a dog was truly in danger, most dog lovers would consider breaking a window to rescue the dog.

However, most of the time, a dog left in the automobile is not in serious danger.

A story went around recently where a man in Georgia broke a woman’s automobile window in order to “rescue” a small dog. Here’s a link to one version of the story.

The news stations loved pointing out that the man was a veteran and that (so the story goes) he used a piece of his wife’s wheelchair to break the window.

And even though this man faced charges, he was portrayed as a hero. (Charges were later dropped, but the dog’s owner was cited for leaving her dog in a hot car.)

And then, as usual, all the comments on this story were about how “awful” the dog’s owner was for leaving her dog in the car, even though she claimed she was gone just 5 minutes.

The dog’s owner is not interviewed in these stories. We do not get to hear her side. perhaps she chose not to comment, but there is no indication of that in the stories. Instead, she is non-existent. Not pictured. No real mention.

Meanwhile, USA Today reported that PETA is giving the veteran a “Compassionate action Award.”

Since PETA’s involved, the whole situation is even more sketchy to me.

I’m reminded of this picture I saw floating around on Facebook this week:

It summarizes how I feel about dogs in cars.

I leave my dog Ace alone in the automobile too. sometimes for 10 or 15 minutes.

I left him in the automobile last weekend for about 10 minutes while it was 96 degrees outside in the valley. I did not crack the windows at all because it was cooler in the automobile than outside.

Our automobile is new and it seems to maintain the temperature fairly well. We parked in the shade. The AC had been blasting for hours.

[quote_right]I would have been pissed off had anyone gone near our automobile to even think about ‘rescuing’ our dog.[/quote_right]My spouse and I went into subway together to order food. We could’ve taken turns so someone was always with Ace, but we knew this was not necessary.

While standing in line, I could look out the window and see my dog. I knew he would be just fine for that amount of time and he was.

We took our sandwiches to go so we could sit outside and eat them with our dog.

I would have been pissed off had anyone gone near our automobile to even think about “rescuing” our dog.

Of course, there are dogs that truly do need rescuing when left alone in hot cars. but those examples are rare.

Even if breaking a automobile window is really a legitimate option, there are still other risks to consider.

Reasons not to break a window to save a dog


The glass or force could injure the dog or the person breaking the window.

The dog could get loose and get hit by a automobile or lost.

The dog could bite the “rescuer” or someone else.


Plus, it’s not all that easy for most people to break a automobile window. I don’t even know how I’d go about doing so.

What to do instead of breaking a window:


Call local law enforcement.

Contact nearby business managers/employees to see if they can track down the dog’s owner.

Pour water to the dog if possible.

Wait around for 10-15 minutes for the owner, without acting like a psycho when she returns! „


Just because a dog is panting and “distressed” doesn’t mean it truly needs “rescuing.” I’d be more concerned if the dog was breathing heavily but lying on his side & having trouble moving.

A lot of dogs pant all the time just because they’re anxious about life in general, poorly socialized or full of pent-up energy. They don’t need rescuing. They just need exercise.

Consider breaking the window as a last resort, but only after considering the above risks/consequences.

Did you hear about the story with the veteran breaking a automobile window? What did you think about that story?

Have you ever had to save a dog from a hot car?

Súvisiace príspevky:

Do you leave your dog in the automobile for 10 minutes?

How long can my dog be in a hot car?

Florida police K9s die in hot car

Prihláste sa a získajte tipy na školenie a ďalšie v mojom týždennom bulletine:


What is Your canine really telling You?

Baxter and I headed out for our morning walk. It was a beautiful morning. I wasn’t pressed for time, so I chose to take a longer route than usual—a route that we walk only a handful of times a year.

We trotted along, Baxter sniffing all of the smells and spreading his scent around.

Then partway through he dug in his heels. “Nie. I’m not going any further.”

My first assumption is I have a very lazy canine and going on a longer walk had certainly worn him out. plus we’d met some people and walked past a few farms where we’ve met dogs before. He wanted to socialize. He was stubborn.

He was annoying.

We had a discussion. “You don’t need to sniff all the smells, meet all the people and see all the puppies. We are walking. now let’s go.” and I set off dragging my dog. It was not graceful.

Lindsay posted last month about what to do when your canine refuses to walk. changing the pace was something I tried, but I could barely get Bax to take a step, so speeding up wasn’t happening.

I didn’t relish changing the route because we had two choices: forward or back. Bax and I were nearly halfway.

Even if we’d turned around, we had much more than 3 kilometres to walk to get home. If my canine was exhausted already, he’d still be exhausted going the other way.

We trudged along, Bax strung out behind me dragging as much as possible. Me grumbling and stomping along.

Eventually I found a mailbox that I know is one of his preferred spots to sniff and leave his scent. So we took a break.

As we stood there, I started to think. Baxter wasn’t tired. He was scared—or at least incredibly unenthused about what was ahead on the route.

Just up the road lived a not very good dog. If he’s outside, he’s rarely tied up, and he’s come running out at us a few times.

He’s not vicious, but he is aggressive. My husband and I have both ended up physically pushing this canine away from Baxter, all the while yelling at the house for someone to come and get their dog.

The experiences haven’t been bad enough to dissuade me from walking this route, but certainly they were for Baxter.

I felt very bad for not hearing what my canine had been telling me. We had another discussion.

“We’ll cross to the other side of the road. You stay on the far side of me. We’ll just walk and won’t stop. I’ll keep you safe.”

There was still dragging, but I kept Baxter closer to me, rather than stretched out behind. I kept a stable pace. I talked quietly and encouragingly to Baxter rather than giving him the silent treatment or being harsh—as I had been earlier.

The canine was outside, and he started barking. Fortunately, he only came partway down the driveway rather than out onto the road, so Baxter and I just kept walking until we were safely passed.

Then we took another break for a tension relieving sniff.

The rest of the walk went smoothly. No much more dragging. and I learned an essential lesson to not assume I know what is driving my dog’s behavior.

Take a minute and think about the situation, including alternate explanations for what he’s feeling.

And to be clear, we will no longer be walking this route.

Have you ever misunderstood what your canine is telling you?

Let us know in the comments!

Dodatočné zdroje:

What to do when your canine refuses to walk
What to do when your canine bites the leash
Get your canine to pay attention – be unpredictable
How to increase your dog’s focus on walks
How to stop your canine from pulling on the leash

Note: Julia Thomson is a blogger at Home on 129 Acres where she writes about her adventures of country living and diy renovating. She writes regularly for That Mutt.


Choroba pečene v rodinných domácich miláčikoch

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Aj keď pečeň má neuveriteľné regeneratívne kapacity, u psov a mačiek existuje veľa možných príčin ochorenia pečene. Určite toxické chemické vystavenie životnému prostrediu, dodávky potravín a dokonca aj z chemikálií aplikovaných ako pesticídy pre rodinné domáce zvieratá môžu prispievať faktormi. Bakteriálne príčiny ochorenia pečene, ako je leptospiróza, ako aj vírusové príčiny, boli tiež obviňované.

Iné choroby pankreasu, tráviaceho traktu a ústnej dutiny môžu tiež spôsobiť sekundárny zápal pečene. Ak sa tieto ďalšie choroby liečia predovšetkým, zápal pečene normálne ustúpi. U mladých zvierat sú bežné genetické príčiny ochorenia pečene vrátane obehových problémov známych ako portosystemové skraty. U starších domácich miláčikov a starších domácich miláčikov sa môžu vyskytnúť primárne zápalové choroby pečene, ako aj nádory pečene. Je rozhodujúce, že akýkoľvek chronicky chorý PET má kompletné lekárske spracovanie, vrátane krvných profilov CBC/Chemistry, a ak je to potrebné, krvný test žlčových kyselín, ako aj ultrazvukový a ultrazvukový biopsia vedená, ak je to potrebné na primeranú diagnostiku príčiny ochorenia pečene v petránoch. .